Fall is a time of change…

With the seasonal changes that autumn brings comes a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. If you´re in some parts of the world leaves are changing color and fluttering to the ground. For me in the Caribbean, it's hurricane season raining one day and sunshine the next. The elements teach us so many things and we should... Continue Reading →

Slow living to Reconnect

As the world gathers speed, Slow Living is a movement where people decide to live a more balanced, meaningful life by slowing things down and appreciating both the world around them and what they have. Some people define Slow Living as simply making more time for self-care. Reconnect and slow down in this season of... Continue Reading →

Ways to Improve Your Confidence

Why should anyone seek the approval of friends and society? You have to be true to yourself and walk away from these ideas Get rid of negativity in your life, negative people, situations, and habits. Self-confidence is a skill, It's something we can all master with learning and practice. Once You Believe In yourself, anything Is possible... Positive... Continue Reading →

SelfGrowth is SelfCare

Self-care isn´t just only taking care of your skin routine and exercise, though they are essential, it is much more than just that. Selfgrowth is discovering new skills, behaviors, actions, attitudes, and habits to benefit certain aspects of your life. Remember how important it is to take care of yourself. My mantra for the past... Continue Reading →

How to Simplify Your Life

What Does it Mean to Simplify Your Life? When I think of simplifying it´s not only in a physical or material way, it´s also in an emotional and psychological sense. I´ve experienced that while you grow up life gets more complicated and there is more noise in your mind. But, if you learn how to... Continue Reading →

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